For some reason i decided to buy a padlock for me gym locker while i was at the grocery store. This is known as "stupid". i bought some cheapbutt piece 'ocrap made in guesswhere that cost maybe $2.60, including tax.
>>6 months. i was being a peaceful type, wet things dripping from me rippling geezer meats, trying to undo my cheapbutt as i just got back to my locker from the stankygym shower, when the thing just came apart in my hand. All of a sudden, i had a handful of lock parts. i wasn't even turning it hard, though i think i might have yawned. It just went to pieces. In my hand. It was kinda funny, seeing as it was supposed to be a security device. Imagine being the burglar trying to break into a gym locker, and having the lock come apart in your hand. You'd think you just met Jesus. i decorated the fuker..